Document Preparation Request and Document Revision Request Procedures
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User Help Document on Document Preparation Request and Document Revision Request Procedures in Document Management Module
1.Document Management Module
It is a module where Management Systems documentation is prepared, revised, approval processes are carried out and documents are published, document reports can be taken and all documentation is archived.
1.1. System Infrastructure Definitions/ Document Operations
System Infrastructure Definitions / Document Operations menus are the part where the infrastructure definitions of all document processes are made.
1.2. Integrated Management System/ Document Operations
Integrated Management System / Document Operations menus are the part that provides management, monitoring and reporting of all document processes.
1.2.1.Document Preparation Request Process in the Document Change Request Menu.
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Document Change Request
It is the menu used by the senior authorized users to assign the revision of the documents / the preparation of new documents as a task. Task assignment for multi-document processing can be done in this menu.
The personnel to whom the document change request will be made are defined to the parameter numbered 49 "Personnel who can open a Document Change request (write the Registration No.s separated by commas.)" from the document parameters. Persons who can open a Document Change request must define their registration number in this parameter. In this menu, people with defined registration numbers can make revisions and prepare a new document by using the Document Change Request menu. Since people with defined records can use this menu, there is a limitation in the use of this menu. The user first defines the registration number in parameter 49 and displays the Document Change Request button in the menu and the Document Change Request is processed with the help of this button.
System Infrastructure Definitions```>Document Operations\
>```Document Parameters menu is clicked.
To make changes to the parameter ! The (modify) button displays the contents of the parameter.
On the screen that opens, the registration number of the user who will perform the Document Change Request operation is defined by writing in the parameter value field! Click the (save) button.
In the document management parameters, the registration number is defined to the parameter value of parameter 49 and the New button is displayed in the Document Change Request menu of the user. With the help of the new button, the personnel defined in the parameter have the authority to assign tasks.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Used to search.
: A new Document Change Request is defined.
: The list displays the selected Document Change Request
: The Document Change Request selected in the list is deleted.
: Exports the list on the screen to an Excel file.
Clicking the New button opens the document change request screen. By clicking the New button, the user can make revisions to a document and prepare a new document by using the document change Request menu in this menu.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new document amendment request is made.
: The document change request selected in the list is edited.
: The document change request selected from the list is deleted.
On the screen that opens, click on the document change request to the right of that section! Clicking the (new) button opens the Document Change Request screen. On the Document Change Request screen, the Request information and Additional files tabs appear. Click on the Request information tab and enter information about the request.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Document: The document to be modified is the field where it is selected in the document selection list defined in the system.
Request Request. Personnel: Document change is the field where the personnel who will perform the request are selected in the Select personnel list defined in the system.
End Date: This is the field where the end date of the document change request is entered.
The Additional files tab is clicked and an additional file, if any, related to the document to be prepared at this stage is uploaded.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:D file is installed.
: Opens the file currently selected in the list.
:The file currently selected in the list is deleted.
In the document change request, it is selected which document it is and who will perform this request. The end date of the job is selected. Grade information, if any, is entered. After filling in the required fields on the Document Change Request screen! Document Change Request registration is performed by clicking the (save) button.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A request is made to prepare a new document.
: The document preparation request selected in the list is edited.
: The document preparation request selected from the list is deleted.
To request a new document, click ! Clicking the (new) button opens the Document Preparation Request screen. On the Document Preparation Request screen, the Document information and Additional Files tabs appear. By clicking the Document information tab, information about the document is entered.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Select Folder: This is the area in which the folder in which the document to be prepared is selected in the Select Document Folder list defined in the system.
Document Code: It is the field where the code information of the document to be prepared is given automatically by the system.
Document Name: This is the field where the name of the document to be prepared is entered.
Notes: This is the area where the information of the notes related to the document to be prepared is entered.
In the Select Folder field, click ! By clicking the (select) bot, the document is selected in the Select Document Folder List in the folder to be prepared.
On the Document Preparation Request screen, after the folder selection, the name of the requested document is written in the Document name field.
(Select) Button The information about who will prepare the document is selected from the Select Staff List.
In the request to prepare a new document, the folder where the document will be prepared is selected and its name is defined. The information about who will prepare the document is selected. Grade information, if any, is entered. After the required fields are filled in the Document Preparation Request screen(save) button to save the Document Preparation Request.
After the Document Change Requests and Document Preparation Requests are completed! Click the (save) button.
Tasks assigned to individuals appear under the "Stored Documents" list on the "My Pending Jobs" page.
Document Change Request;
The Document Change Request process is deducted as "Stored documents" on the Pending Transactions page of the personnel who made the request.
In the My Pending Jobs menu, the relevant document is displayed by clicking on the document code from the "Stored Documents" task. The Document Revision screen opens, just like the screen that opens in the Document Revision process.
(Submit) button is clicked and forwarded to the defined opinion/control/approval processes. The same stages are carried out as the flow in the document preparation processes.
Document Preparation Request;
Document Preparation Request Definition process The work is dropped as "Stored documents" on the My Pending Jobs page of the requester.
In the My Pending Jobs menu, the relevant document is displayed by clicking on the document code from the "Stored Documents" task. As with the Document Preparation screen, the New document screen opens.
(Submit) button is clicked and forwarded to the defined opinion/control/approval processes. The same stages are carried out as the flow in the document preparation processes.
1.2.2. Performing a Document Preparation Request in the Document Vision Menu
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Document Vision
It is the menu where all published documents are displayed. Personnel/user groups authorized to view documents can view the relevant document. When the Document View menu opens, the folder tree is displayed on the left. We have auxiliary buttons in the Document Vision menu.
By activating parameter 229 in the Document Management Module Parameters, the Document View menu is displayed as a button to use the Make Document Preparation Request function. With the help of the displayed button, the Document Preparation Request process is performed. First, click on the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Document Operations\
>```Document Parameters menu.
With parameter 229 selected, (Change) button is displayed by clicking the content. The parameter is activated by selecting Yes as the parameter value.
229. numbered "Will the Make Document Preparation Request function be used?" It is the parameter value that determines whether the relevant button should appear or not to make a document preparation request. The parameter is activated by selecting Yes or inactive by selecting No. When the parameter value is Yes, the Document Preparation Request button is displayed in the Document View Menu and the Document Preparation Request process is performed. With this button in the Document Vision menu, all users can perform the Document Preparation Request operation. In the Document Change Request menu, users who have defined their records on the parameter value in parameter number 49 can use this menu. With this parameter, a certain limitation is made in the people who will make the Document Preparation Request. With the parameter number 229, it is ensured that all users are made to prepare Documents.
After parameter 229 is activated, the Make Document Preparation Request button is displayed in the Document View Menu.
In the Document Vision menu, the folder in which you want to request the document to be prepared is selected. After the parameter number 229 is activated, the Document Preparation Request screen is opened by clicking the Make Document Preparation Request button displayed in the Document View Menu.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:The Save button performs the Document Preparation Request registration process.
:D Add file button uploads any additional files related to the Document Preparation Request.
:Decline button The Document Preparation Request operation is rejected.
: The additional file uploaded for the Document Preparation Request is displayed.
: Returns to the previous page.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Request: This is the field where the request information is entered on the Document Preparation Request screen.
Files: This is the area on the Document Preparation Request screen where additional files related to the Request are uploaded.
If there is an additional file related to the Document Preparation Request, the File upload process is done by clicking the Add file button.
With the Document Preparation Request process, selecting a Folder in the document View menu. A request process is being initiated to prepare a document in this selected folder. In the request section, the reasons such as which needs and reasons are written in the request section, if there is an additional file related to the request, it is uploaded. After the required fields are filled in! Clicking the (save) button performs the Document Preparation Request process.
The process of defining a Document Preparation Request falls as "Document Preparation Requests" on the My Pending Jobs page of the requester.
In the My Pending Jobs menu, the document code from the "Document Preparation Requests" task is clicked and the Document Preparation Request Approval/Rejection screen is displayed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Clicking the Approve and Start Preparation Request button initiates the Approval and Staging Request process.
:The Document Preparation Request process is rejected by the Decline button.
:D The additional file added by the view button is displayed.
: Returns to the previous page.
The Document Preparation Request process can be rejected by clicking the Decline button.
The Document Preparation Request process is carried out by writing the reason for the rejection in the rejection process.
! Clicking the (Approve and Start Preparation Request) button initiates the Approval and Prepare Request process.
The Document Preparation Request screen opens. On the screen that opens, the folder comes to the document information tab selected because the folder I selected in the document vision menu. If you want to prepare the document in another folder, the desired folder is selected in the Select Document Folder list by clicking the select button. On the document preparation request screen, the name of the document requested to be prepared on the document information tab is written in the document name section.
On the Document information tab, in the Author's field, click (select) bot is clicked.
The document preparation person information to be prepared by requesting the document is selected in the select personnel list.
Click the Additional files tab. At this stage, an additional file, if any, is uploaded to the document to be prepared.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:D file is installed.
: Opens the file currently selected in the list.
:The file currently selected in the list is deleted.
(Add file ) button to add files to the Additional files tab. By filling in the required fields on the Document Preparation Request screen! Clicking the (save) button brings up the Document Change Request screen.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new document amendment request is made.
: The document change request selected in the list is edited.
: The document change request selected from the list is deleted.
Clicking the New button opens the document change request screen. The Request Information and Additional Files tabs appear. The Claim Information tab is clicked.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Document: The document to be modified is the field where it is selected in the document selection list defined in the system.
Request Request. Personnel: Document is the area where the personnel who will perform the different request are selected in the Select personnel list defined in the system.
End Date: This is the field where the end date of the document change request is entered.
On the Request information tab, in the Document field, click (select) button is clicked. The document to be modified is selected in the Document Select List.
The Attachment files tab is the tab where an attachment file, if any, related to the document change request is uploaded.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:D file is installed.
: Opens the file currently selected in the list.
:The file currently selected in the list is deleted.
By filling in the required fields on the Document Change Request screen! Clicking the (save) button performs the Document Change Requests recording process.
On the Document Change Request screen, in the Request information tab, by typing the Revision Reason information! Click the (save) button.
Tasks assigned to individuals appear under the "Stored Documents" list on the "My Pending Jobs" page.
Document Change Request;
In the My Pending Jobs menu of the Document Change Request process, the relevant document is displayed by clicking on the document code from the "Stored Documents" task.
The Document Revision screen opens, just like the screen that opens in the Document Revision process. (Submit) button is clicked and forwarded to the defined opinion/control/approval processes. The same stages are carried out as the flow in the document preparation processes.
Document Preparation Request;
In the list of stored documents, the New Document screen opens by clicking on the code of the document to which the document preparation request is made. On the screen that opens, the message "This document has been created with the request to prepare a document" is displayed.
In the Document tab, the document to be uploaded to the system is the document in the Document File Upload (Turkish) field where the preparation stage has been completed (Add file button) and the upload process is performed. Versions of the document in the available languages can be downloaded from the language descriptions. Uploaded document
(view file) button.
When the document is uploaded, the "file has been successfully transferred" information is received.
The document created with the Document Preparation request is on the Document Information page The document approval process is started with the Send button. If an opinion is requested, the prepared document will go to the opinion. If the vision is not to be used (in processes where the vision matrix is not defined), the process continues with the control confirmation. If the controller is defined, it goes to the control approval first, if the controller is not defined, it goes to the approval of the people defined in the approval matrix.
Control Process;
The document sent for control is displayed on the "My Pending Works" page of the controller under the "Documents Pending Check" list.
Clicking on the document code opens the relevant document information.
The person who checks is just like the person who prepares documents. When deemed necessary, it can make all kinds of changes on the document, re-upload the document without rejecting it and continue the process. It can make changes both on the prepared document and on each tab that is opened, such as the document information / authorization matrix / distribution matrix / approval matrix in the preparation phase. In the document tab ! The document is displayed by clicking the (view file) button. ! With the (Reject) button, the document is rejected by the controller and sent back to the person who prepared the document. It is mandatory to enter the reason for the rejection of the document at the rejection stage.
If there are no problems with the document ! By clicking the (confirm) button, the document is sent for approval according to the order in the approval matrix.
Approval Process;
The document submitted for approval is displayed under the "Pending Documents" list on the "My Pending Works" page of the approver, respectively according to their level in the approval matrix. Clicking on the document code opens the relevant document information.
The approver cannot make changes to the document information. At this stage, only the document can be viewed and the approval / rejection process is performed.
The Document Approval process continues with the final approver.
The final approver is displayed in the approval matrix according to their level under the "Pending Documents" list on the approver's "Pending Processes" page, respectively. Clicking on the document code opens the relevant document information
In the approval process, the document that has passed the final approval according to the order in the approval matrix is published and distributed to the people in the distribution matrix and made available. The relevant persons in the distribution matrix are sent an e-mail by the system and the document can now be accessed by authorized persons.
The published document falls as a reading duty to the authorized persons in the distribution matrix. It is displayed as "Important Documents to Read" on the "In My Pending Business" page of the contacts.
1.2.3.Performing a Document Revision Request in the Document View Menu
You have a document in the system, the old update cannot keep up and needs to be renewed. There may have been recent changes and this change needs to be reflected in the document. For example, you have made a change to your Processes and this is reflected in the document. Revision processes are initiated in the process of reflecting this in the document. That is, Renewal operations. With the revision, you renew your document in the system and publish the final version of the current version. The old versions are kept in the system in the archive as Old Revision in the system. Old Revisions are also visible to people who are authorized to see Old Revisions in the Authority matrix. Revision is done in 3 ways. In 2 methods, you can make the Revision in the Authorization matrix if you have the Prepare/Revision authorization. You do not have the authority to make Revisions on the document, but the document needs to be Revised. When you do not have Revision/Prepare authority on the Authorization matrix on the document, you can initiate a Revision Request operation in the Document View menu. The Revision Request goes to the user, the user evaluates. It continues the process by deciding whether to make revisions or not.
In order to use the Document Revision Request tab in the Document View menu in the document, the value of parameter 150 in the Document parameters must be activated by selecting yes. System Infrastructure Definitions```>Document operations\
>```Document Parameters menu is clicked.
On the screen that opens, the number of the parameter is 150 in the parameter number section and the ! Click the (Change) button.
If the content of the parameter is displayed and the revision request tab is desired to be active for users who are not authorized to make revisions in the Document view screen, this parameter value is changed to yes.
Integrated Management System```>Document Operations\
>```Document View menu is clicked.
The Document Vision menu lists the documents contained in the folder. The content of the document to be requested Revision is displayed." In the "Revision Request" tab, revision request is performed for users who do not have revision authority on the document.
! The (new) button opens the Document Revision Request screen.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:Document Revision Request registration is performed with the Save button.
:D Add file button to upload any additional file related to Document Revision Request.
:Reject button The Document Revision Request operation is rejected.
: The uploaded attachment file related to the Document Revision Request is displayed.
: Returns to the previous page.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Request: On the Document Revision Request screen, the field where the Revision reason information is entered as the request information.
Files: This is the area on the Document Revision Request screen where additional files related to the Request are uploaded.
With the help of the Add file bot, if there is an additional file related to the Document Revision Request, it is added.
After the reason for the revision request is entered, it is recorded and the Document Revision Request is forwarded to the document owner.
If desired, adjustment of the people to whom the revision requests will go in the parameter is made. In the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Document Operations\
>```Document Parameters menu, the parameter 91 "To whom to send Revision Requests (Revised: R, Responsible: S, Administrator:Y)" determines to whom document revision requests will be sent. (Revised:R, Responsible:S, Admin:Y).
E.g. if a Revision Request is to be sent to the responsible person, the parameter value is defined as S.
After the Document Revision Request process is done, it is dropped as "Document Revision Requests" in the Pending works of the document owner.
In the Document Revision Requests list, clicking on the Document code opens the Revision Request Starts-Reject screen. On the screen that opens, information such as the code, name, revision number, who made the request is displayed of the document for which the revision request is initiated.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:D View the reading button displays the document to which the Revision Request has been made.
:D file The additional file related to the revision request uploaded via the view button is displayed.
: With the start revision button, the revision request is accepted and the revision is started.
: With the Redirect button, the Revision request is forwarded to someone else.
: Revision request is rejected with the Reject button. It is mandatory to write the reason for refusal.
By clicking the Redirect button, we can redirect the Revision Request to another person so that another person can do so.
In the field to be redirected ! The (Select) button is clicked.
In the Select personnel drop-down list, the personnel to be routed are selected.
If there is any information or any note about why the referral process is done, it is written in the notes section.
After the redirection process is done, the document to which the Revision Request is made falls as "Stored documents" on the pending works page of the person to whom the revision is made. The Document Revision screen opens. On the screen that opens, the process stages made in the revision stages are done in the same way. Revision by clicking the back button (Start request) is clicked to initiate the Revision Request.
The revision number is given automatically by the system. (If it is defined manually in the folder, the revision number information is entered.) Desired changes can be made to document information, matrix tabs and all document tabs within the scope of revision.
The revision information tab is clicked. On the "Revision Information" tab, enter the reason for the Revision. What is done in the revision is defined. Since the revision is initiated from a revision request, the request information is automatically given by the system in the Revision requests field.
(Submit) button is clicked and forwarded to the defined opinion/control/approval processes.
The same stages are carried out as the flow in the document preparation processes.